Scott Adams Residential Roofing in Livonia, MI

Storm Damage


How do I know my roof has been damaged from hail?
Most homeowners cannot tell from the ground. An experienced inspector is needed for an accurate assessment. If you have had recent hail in your area, it is a good idea to request a free inspection.

Can I trust the words of my inspector?
At Scott Adams Roofing, all inspections have digital pictures taken and printed out for you upon completion. We review pictures with you and explain the damage. It is great for showing to other people not home during the inspection.

Will the whole roof be covered?
During our inspection we will do a test square on at least two sides of the roof to determine if the whole roof is covered for damage. A lot of times age, repairability, and discontinued material will also give you complete coverage.

Should I call my agent?
It is better to call your insurance claim hotline directly; agents usually will just refer you to this number.

Now what?
After you file the claim an adjuster will contact you to set up an appointment to look over damage to you property. During this time it is crucial to contact your representative to meet your adjuster during assessment. It is necessary for Scott Adams Roofing to be there for many reasons:
• Having large enough ladder to reach
• Being able to walk on steep roofs if adjuster will not
• Going over all damage besides roof
• Measurements and pricing
• Making sure nothing is missed

Is that it?
Once the meeting is complete with the adjuster, he or she will go back and write your estimate for the loss. We use the insurance company's pricing to make it easier for you. If there are any discrepancies with the estimate, we will go back to your insurance company to rectify the issues.